American Realty Advisors


Our primary responsibility is to act in the best long-term interests of our investors and their participants and beneficiaries. We seek to accomplish this while acting as responsible citizens in the communities in which we live and work.

American Realty Advisors 2023-2024 Corporate Responsibility Report


ARA is dedicated to implementing environmental, social, and corporate governance policies reflecting the intent of the U.N.'s Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) across the firm’s investment activities. ARA believes that conducting its activities consistent with such principles can improve our ability to meet commitments to our clients, as well as to align our investment activities with the broader interests of society.

Integrating corporate responsibility practices in our daily investment process is a reflection of our culture, our values, and the manner in which we manage our business. Our dedication to corporate social responsibility at all levels of our business helps contribute to a successful and sustainable future.

Learn more / Browse our Annual Corporate Responsibility Reports: 2016201720182019, 2020, 2021-2022, 2022-2023

Corporate Governance

Founded on the principles of transparency and integrity, ARA recognizes the responsibilities we bear as fiduciaries. We believe our corporate values and governance structure allow us to serve our clients in an honest and ethical manner that permeates all aspects of our business management.

ARA incorporates responsible governance into our investment process and the overall operation of the firm.  Overseen by our General Counsel/Chief Compliance Officer and involving various committees at the firm, ARA has established policies and procedures and processes consistent with the law and industry best practices  to promote lawful and ethical practices within the firm and to ensure that the fiduciary responsibility that ARA owes to its clients is a primary focus for the firm and its employees. 

Responsible Contractor Policy

ARA’s longstanding commitment to supporting responsible labor practices has given us decades of practical experience investing on behalf of jointly-trusteed pension funds. Working together with the local building trades, contractors, developers, and lenders, we continue to support the creation of high-quality real estate consistent with our responsible contractor policy that will help to secure the future of plan participants and their beneficiaries for years to come.  In addition, we provide clear and straightforward communication and reporting that enables trustees and staff to exercise the diligent oversight required of these funds. 

Sustainable Growth & Planning For the Future

ARA promotes sustainable practices at the assets we acquire and manage on behalf of our clients. Energy efficiency, water conservation, and sustainable building practices are key components of the services we provide to our investors and we are committed to advancing the principles of sustainable investing.

ARA manages our clients’ portfolios in a manner that can benefit society and the environment at large. We are keenly aware of the issues surrounding sustainability and have instituted formal “green” initiatives throughout our investment process. As a fiduciary and investment manager, our risk-control approach goes hand-in-hand with this culture of responsibility. Our sustainability initiatives include: 

  • Evaluation of potential acquisitions for financially attractive green retrofit opportunities using energy and environmental audits
  • Benchmarking and tracking energy and environmental metrics at the asset level
  • Sharing of best practices and information with the firm's business partners to increase awareness and knowledge of sustainability initiatives
  • Periodic reviews of all policies regarding energy usage and environmental impact for all properties under management

ARA’s Sustainability Highlights Include:

  • Over 25 office, industrial, and multifamily assets have achieved 2023 ENERGY STAR®* certification, representing over 8 million square feet1
  • Over 8 million square feet of LEED-Certified properties2
  • An U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) member since 2013
  • A Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark Member (GRESB) since 2014

1     Buildings that achieve ENERGY STAR scores exceeding 75 are more energy efficient than 75% of buildings in the U.S. of comparable square footage, usage type, and geographic location. These buildings are eligible to receive the ENERGY STAR certification. ENERGY STAR certifications are conveyed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and are given on an annual basis so must be certified year to year.
2     LEED is a widely used green building rating system. LEED certifications are conveyed by Green Business Certification Inc. and require a project registration and certification fee.

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